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- Undoing the demos : neoliberalism's stealth revolution. , Wendy Brown.-New York : Zone Books , 2015
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- Islam, democracy, and the state in North Africa. , John P. Entelis.-Bloomington : Indiana University Press , 1997
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- Late Marxism : Adorno , or , the persistence of the dialectic. , Jameson Fredric.-London : Verso , 1990
- The Middle East and the United States : a historical and political reassessment. , David W. Lesch (ed.).-Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press , 1999
- The rise and fall of Palestine : a personal account of the Intifada years. , Norman G. Finkelstein.-Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press , 1996
- Whose democracy? : nationalism , religion , and the doctrine of collective rights in post-1989 Eastern Europe. , Sabrina P. Ramet.-Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers , 1997
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