Seven Decades since the Universal Declaration of human Rights: The History and Future of Human Rights and Palestine
The Complex Challenges Facing Palestinian Universities
Democracy in the Public Square: Muwatin's 23rd Annual Conference
Critical Reading in Contemporary Palestinian Economic Doctrine
Before and After Arafat: Political Transformation During the Second Intifada
The Palestinian Media and the Split Between Fatah and Hamas
Talb Awad and Sameeh Shbeeb: The Internal Democracy of the Palestinian Political Parties. 2006
Zakaria Mohammad: On Palestinian Culture. 2002
Hussein Agha and Ahmad S. Khalidi: A Framework for a Palestinian National Security Doctrine. 2006
Ala`a Azzeh and Toufic Haddad: Towards a New Internationalism Readings in Globalization, the Global Justice Movement and Palestinian Liberat
William Nassar: Democracy and Elections and the Palestinian Case. 2006
Azmi Bishara: The failure of Scientific Judgments in Consolidating Faith.2007
Daoud Talhami: The Left and the Socialist Alternative: A Reading in Past Experiences and Present Potentialies. 2008
Abdul-Rahim Al-Shaikh (ed.): Palestinian Textbooks: Issues of Identity and Citizenship.2008
Walid Salem and Iman Ratrout: Equal Rights: Women's rights between Liberal Democracy, and the Palestinian Islamic Curricula.2008
Azmi Bishara: To be an Arab in these Times.2009
Khaled Hroub and Juman Quneis: The Palestinian Media and the Split Between Fatah and Hamas 2011
Jamil Hilal: Palestinian Political Organizations. 2006
Hassan Khader: Towards Bridge the Divide Palestinian on Both Sides of the Green Line. Proceeding of the Muwatin-Mada Workshop. 2012
Faysal Hourany: Tunes of the Local Piper. 2006