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Critical Interventions

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The "Critical Interventions" series aim at initiating and encouraging critical debate on vital issues related to transformations in Palestine and beyond. The series frequently reflects the content of ongoing symposia series held by the Institute.
Seven Decades since the Universal Declaration of human Rights: The History and Future of Human Rights and Palestine

Seven Decades since the Universal Declaration of human Rights: The History and Future of Human Rights and Palestine

التحديات المركبة أمام الجامعات الفلسطينية

The Complex Challenges Facing Palestinian Universities

Democracy in the Public Square - Muwatin

Democracy in the Public Square: Muwatin's 23rd Annual Conference


Critical Reading in Contemporary Palestinian Economic Doctrine


Before and After Arafat: Political Transformation During the Second Intifada


The Palestinian Media and the Split Between Fatah and Hamas


Faysal Hourany: Tunes of the Local Piper. 2006


Raja Bahlul: Debates on Religion, Democracy and the Civil Government 2012


Talb Awad and Sameeh Shbeeb: The Internal Democracy of the Palestinian Political Parties. 2006


Zakaria Mohammad: On Palestinian Culture. 2002


Hussein Agha and Ahmad S. Khalidi: A Framework for a Palestinian National Security Doctrine. 2006


Ala`a Azzeh and Toufic Haddad: Towards a New Internationalism Readings in Globalization, the Global Justice Movement and Palestinian Liberat


William Nassar: Democracy and Elections and the Palestinian Case. 2006


Azmi Bishara: The failure of Scientific Judgments in Consolidating Faith.2007


Daoud Talhami: The Left and the Socialist Alternative: A Reading in Past Experiences and Present Potentialies. 2008


Abdul-Rahim Al-Shaikh (ed.): Palestinian Textbooks: Issues of Identity and Citizenship.2008


Walid Salem and Iman Ratrout: Equal Rights: Women's rights between Liberal Democracy, and the Palestinian Islamic Curricula.2008


Azmi Bishara: To be an Arab in these Times.2009


The Korean Monk


Khaled Hroub and Juman Quneis: The Palestinian Media and the Split Between Fatah and Hamas 2011


Jamil Hilal: Palestinian Political Organizations. 2006
