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Muwatin will continue to engage the Palestinian and Arab reader through our publications concerning the issues of democracy and human rights, specifically targeting academics, students, policy makers, and the overall general public. The publications are under several serial headings of books, reports, and periodicals.


Discrimination in the Palestinian Labor Market: A Gender Perspective. 2011


the Palestinian Political System and the Peaceful Transition of Power 2013


Jihad Harb: Towards Developing Bye Laws for the Palestinian Legislative Council. 2006


Local Government in Palestine, 2014


Towards a Social Law for Palestine. 2010


Iyad al-Riyahi: The Organizational Realities of the Palestinian Prisoners Movement,A Comparative Study 1988 - 2004. 2007


Smeeh Shbeeb: Shafiq al- Hoot. 2010


Aysheh Odeh: Dream of Freedom. Second Edition, Revised. 2007


Mazin Qumsiyeh: Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment. 2011


Mohammad Daraghmeh: The Second Intifada: Fields of Death. 2008


Mamdouh Nofal: Magdousheh: the Story of the War Against the Refugee Camps in Lebanon 2006


Sameeh Shbib: Anis Sayigh, Politics Practices and Achievements. 2010


Jamil Hilal: Palestinian Political Organizations. 2006


William Nassar: Democracy and Elections and the Palestinian Case. 2006


Walid Salem and Iman Ratrout: Equal Rights: Women's rights between Liberal Democracy, and the Palestinian Islamic Curricula.2008


Raja Bahlul: Debates on Religion, Democracy and the Civil Government 2012


Faysal Hourany: Tunes of the Local Piper. 2006


Azmi Bishara: The failure of Scientific Judgments in Consolidating Faith.2007


Azmi Bishara: To be an Arab in these Times.2009


Zakaria Mohammad: On Palestinian Culture. 2002


Talb Awad and Sameeh Shbeeb: The Internal Democracy of the Palestinian Political Parties. 2006
