Faculty member of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, the MA Programme in Democracy and Human Rights, and the MA Programme in Contemporary Arab Studies. Served as dean of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Graduate Studies at Birzeit University. He served as the general director of the Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy – Muwatin.
Before and After Arafat: Political Transformations During the Second Intifada. (Muwatin 2011, Arabic).
Co-editor, State Formation in Palestine, with M.Khan and I.Amundsen (London: Routledge, 2004). Book based on results of 18 months research project on corruption and state formation in Palestine. Team composed of eight researchers.
Co-editor, After Oslo: New Realities, Old Problems (London: Pluto Press), 1998.
Editor, On the Democratic Option (Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies), 1994.
General Editor, Foundations of Democracy Series, Muwatin Publications, 1995 to 2015 (an educational series meant for use by beginning university students and the general public). Seven books have so far appeared in the series.
Articles: English
“Does the Right of Return Entail a Conflict of Rights”, In the process of being submitted for publication.
“Is a just and Lasting peace Possible?”, Mediterranean Politics Journal, December 29,2015,Routledge:Taylor and Francis Publishers, (on line, printed version of Journal Spring 2016).
“ Palestinian Civil Society Under the Oslo Process”, Perspectives, H.Boell Foundation, Berlin, 2013.
“Interview with George Giacaman”, Critical Studies in Terrorism, Vol. 5, Issue I, 2012.
“The Arab Revolutions in the Making and Palestine,” Perspectives, H. Boell Foundation. Berlin, 2011.
“Graduate Studies at Birzeit University: Past, Present, and Future”. Chapter in book on the development of Birzeit University, Birzeit, 2010.
“Islam, Palestine, and the World Order,” Jura Gentium: Journal of Philosophy of International Law and Global Politics, vol. I, No. 1, 2005.
"Ghazali on Miracles and Necessary Connection," (with R.Bahlul), Medieval Philosophy and Theology, (Cambridge University Press: Vol. 9, 2000).
"From 'Revolution' to 'State'," in Political Transitions in the Arab World, R. Heacock ed., Part Three, (Birzeit: I. Abu-Lughod Institute for International Studies), 2002, pp. 119-125.
"Perspectives on Civil Society in Palestine," in Proceedings of Conference held by the Welfare Association on Government-NGO relations, September, 2000.
"Popular Movements and Democratic Transformation in Palestine," News From Within, Vol. XVI, No. 3.
"In the Throes of Oslo: Palestinian Society, Civil Society, and the Future," in After Oslo:New Realities,Old Problems, G.Giacaman and D.J.Lonning eds. (London: Pluto Press), 1998, pp. 1-15.
"Kafka on the West Bank," Harper's Magazine, February, 1995, (with Fateh Azzam).
"Human Rights in the Throes of Politics," Proceedings: International Conference on Human Rights, Jerusalem: Law and Water Institute, 1993.
"Tradition and Innovation: Two Muslim Views of Causal Relations," Philosophy and Culture, Montreal: Editions Montmorency, 1986.
"Ducasse's Critique of Hume and the Humean Tradition," Proceedings of the Charles S. Peirce Society, Vol. XV, No. 4, 1979.
"Miller and James on Analysis and Determinism," Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. XVI, No. 2, 1978 (with E.H.Madden).
"The Relation Between Ideas and Material Existence in the Philosophy of Marx," Discourse, Summer, 1970, Philosophy Department, American University of Beirut, Lebanon).
Articles: Arabic
“What Will Come After ‘The Deal of the Century’?”,Journal of Palestine Studies, No.122, Spring 2020.
“Causation in History: The First Intifada as a Case Study”, Chapter in Book: The First Intifada in Historical Perspective, Roger Heacock ed., Beirut: Institute of Palestine Studies, 2020.
“What is the National Project Now?”, Chapter in book, Jamil Hilal ed. The National Project at a Critical Juncture, Beirut: Institute of Palestine Studies, 2020.
“Negative Social patterns and Their Effect on Palestinian Universities”, Chapter in Book : Issues in Higher Education in Palestine, Muwatin Publications, 2019.
“Did the ‘Deal of the Century’ Fail?” Jadaliyya, December 8, 2018.
“The Effect of the Changes in the Middle East on the Palestinian Israeli Conflict”, Shu’un Filistiniyyah Journal, No.267, Spring 2017.
“Ending the Split between Gaza and the West Bank is not the Priority Now”, Shu’un Filistiniyyah Journal, No.261, Autumn, 2015.
“The 2014 War on Gaza: Lessons, and Future Dangers”, Journal of Palestine Studies, No. 100, Autumn, 2014.
“Did the Palestinian Authority Outlive its Role?”, Shu’un Filistiniyyah Journal, (Ramallah and Beirut, Lebanon), No.252, Spring 2013.
“Can Palestine Benefit from the Arab Revolutions?” Chapter in book, (Ramallah and Beirut, Lebanon),Institute for Palestine Studies), 2013.
“The Danger of ‘Democracy’ at the Beginning of a Revolution”’ Al-Akhbar (Beirut, Lebanon), April 18, 2013.
“The Palestinian Authority, the Oslo Process, and Retrieving the Right to Self-Determination”, Chapter in book,(Masarat, the Palestinian Center for Policy and Strategic Studies), Ramallah: 2013.
“The Crises of the Palestinian Political System”, in Jamil Hilal ed. Palestine: Lessons of the Past, Challenges of the Present, and Strategies of the Future, (Beirut: Institute for Palestine Studies, 2012), pp. 135-156 (chapter in book).
“Diplomatic and Legal “resistance” is the only Option before the Palestinian Authority”, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 89, Winter, 2012.
“Before and After the Bid for Recognition at the UN: The Dilemma and the Future of the Palestinian Authority. Journal of Palestine Studies, Autumn, 2011.
“Is There a Need for the Left in Arab Society?” Al-Adab Magazine, Beirut: Lebanon, Vol 4-5, April, 2010.
“The Future of Fatah and the Two State Solution,” Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 79, Summer 2009.
“Undermining the Palestinian Authority,” Al-Siyassa Al-Dawliyya, Cairo: Egypt, Issue No. 176, April, 2009.
“Palestinians and the Three Dilemmas,” Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 76, Autumn 2008.
“The Palestinian Political System and the Future of the Conflict,” Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 73, Winter 2008.
“The New Palestinian Government and the Future,” in Journal of Palestinian Politics, No. 2, Spring 2007.
"Fatah and Hamas: Conflict of Programs or Conflict over the Palestinian Authority?" Journal of Palestine Studies, No. 68, Autumn, 2006.
"Elections for the Palestinian Legislative Council and Political Transformation in Palestine," Journal of Palestine Studies, (Beirut: Institute of Palestine Studies), Vol. 64, January 2006.
"The Future of the Palestinian Political System after Arafat," Journal of Palestine Studies (Beirut: Institute of Palestine Studies), Vol. 62, Spring 2005.
"An Evaluation of the Work of the Palestinian Legislative Council Since its Election in 1996", Proceedings of the First Ramallah Conference, (Ramallah: Panorama Publications, 2005).
"The Future of the Palestinian Political System and Prospects of a Political Process after Arafat", Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference, (Birzeit: I. Abu-Lughod Institute for International Studies, 2005).
"Reform Between Left and Right: Some Thoughts on the Islamic Left", in The Islamic Left, (Birzeit: I. Abu-Lughod Institute for International Studies), 2004.
"Palestinian Political Initiatives: A Critical Assessment." Proceedings of the Annual Conference (Birzeit: I. Abu-Lughod Institute for International Studies), 2004.
"Critical Notes on R. Bahlul's 'From Jihad to Peaceful Co-Existence'", (Birzeit: I. Abu-Lughod Institute for International Studies), 2003, pp.43-50.
"Lessons from the Intifada," Inter-Arab Dialogue on the Second Intifada, M. Kassis ed. (Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Birzeit University, and Center for Strategic Studies, University of Jordan, 2001).
"Mass Movements and Democratic Transition in Palestine," The Palestinian's Women's Movement: Problematics of Democratic Transformation and Future Strategies, (Ramallah: Muwatin, The Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy, 2000).
"Palestinian Civil Society at the Present Juncture," Al-Siyasah Al-Al-Filistiniyya, Vol. 6, No. 24, Autumn, 1999.
"After the Crisis: Approaches for Rebuilding," in Structural Transformations in Palestinian Political Life and Prospects for Change, Ramallah: Muwatin Publications, 1999.
"On the Transition to Democracy: A Critique of the PLO Model," Comparative Perspectives on the Transition to Democracy, Ramallah: Muwatin Publications, 1998.
"What is Political Action?" Pluralism and Democracy: The Crisis of Palestinian Political Parties, Ramallah: Muwatin Publications, 1996.
"Civil Society and Authority," Critical Papers on Palestinian Democracy, Ramallah: Muwatin Publications, 1995.
"The Role of Dialogue in Democratic Education", Developing the Concept of Civic Education and Democracy in Educational Institutions, Ramallah: Teacher Creativity Center, 1995.
"Democracy at the Turn of the Century: Towards an Intellectual Map," in On the Democratic Option, G. Giacaman ed. (Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies) 1994, pp.15-53.
"What Agenda for Democracy?" Sawt Al-Watan, Cyprus, May 15, 1993.
"Palestinian Society in the West Bank and Gaza," Beirut: Majallat Al-Dirasat Al-Filistiniyya, No. V, Winter, 1991 (review article).
"Palestinian Intellectual Output in the West Bank and Gaza," Afaq Filistiniyya: The Birzeit Research Journal, No. VI, Summer, 1991.