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Raja Bahlul: Debates on Religion, Democracy and the Civil Government 2012


Talb Awad and Sameeh Shbeeb: The Internal Democracy of the Palestinian Political Parties. 2006


Zakaria Mohammad: On Palestinian Culture. 2002


Hussein Agha and Ahmad S. Khalidi: A Framework for a Palestinian National Security Doctrine. 2006


Ala`a Azzeh and Toufic Haddad: Towards a New Internationalism Readings in Globalization, the Global Justice Movement and Palestinian Liberat


William Nassar: Democracy and Elections and the Palestinian Case. 2006


Azmi Bishara: The failure of Scientific Judgments in Consolidating Faith.2007


Daoud Talhami: The Left and the Socialist Alternative: A Reading in Past Experiences and Present Potentialies. 2008


Basim Ezbidi: Palestinian Political Culture. 2003


Dalal Bajes: The Islamic Students Movement in Palestine: The Islamic Bloc as Model. 2012


Azmi Bishara: On The Arab Question: An Introduction to an Arab Democratic Manifesto. 2008


Lena Jayyusi, Editor: A Reader in Media and Democracy . 2012


Islah Jad: Women at the Crossroads: The Palestinian Women's Movement between Nationalism, Secularism and Islamism. 2008


Azmi Bishara: A Contribution to the Critique of Civil Society. 1996


Laila farsakh: Palestinian Labour. 2010


Salim Tamari: The Mountain against the Sea, Studies in Palestinian Urban Culture and Social History. 2005


Nahda Shehada: Women, Judges, and Law: An Anthropological Study of the Shari'a Court of Gaza. 2009


The Emergence of Palestinian Globalized Elite.


Esmail Nashif: Gradus for Opening Episteme . 2010


Faysal Darraj: Modernity in Retreat on Taha Hussein and Adonis. 2005


Abdelrahman Abdelghani: History of Democracy in Europe: An Introduction. 2010
