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Wisam Rafidi: The Future of the Palestinian Political System and the Political outlook of Possible Future. 2005


Jamil Hilal: The Palestinian Political System after Oslo, A critical Assessment. 2006


Raja Bahlul: Contemporary Islamic Views on Democracy. 2007


Tafeeda Jarbawi and Khalil Nakhleh: Empowering Future Generations Palestinian Education under Oppressive Conditions. 2008


Azmi Bishara: On The Arab Question: An Introduction to an Arab Democratic Manifesto. 2008


Lena Jayyusi, Editor: A Reader in Media and Democracy . 2012


Islah Jad: Women at the Crossroads: The Palestinian Women's Movement between Nationalism, Secularism and Islamism. 2008


Dalal Bajes: Palestinian Public Diplomacy: After Second Legislative Elections. 2011
