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قاعدة بيانات بيبليوغرافية حول التعاونيات
مقالة في مجلة
Song٬ Yiching٬ Gubo Qi٬ Yanyan Zhang and Ronnie Vernooy. 2014. "Farmer Cooperatives in China: Diverse Pathways to Sustainable Rural Development" In nternational Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 12 (2): 95-108.
مقالة في مجلة
Tartir٬ Alaa. 2015. "Securitised Development and Palestinian Authoritarianism Under Fayyadism" In Conflict, Security and Development.
فصل من كتاب
Selby٬ Jan. 2008. "The Political Economy of Peace Processes" In Whose Peace? Critical Perspectives on the Political Economy of Peacebuilding٬ 11-29. .
Palgrave Macmillan