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يستمر المعهد في رفد المكتبة الفلسطينية والعربية بمنشورات حول قضايا الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان تستهدف الأكاديميين، والطلاب، والحركات الاجتماعية، وصناع السياسات، والجمهور العام. تشمل المنشورات عدة سلاسل  من الكتب والتقارير والدوريات.

Walid Salem and Iman Ratrout: Equal Rights: Women's rights between Liberal Democracy, and the Palestinian Islamic Curricula.2008


Raja Bahlul: Debates on Religion, Democracy and the Civil Government 2012


Faysal Hourany: Tunes of the Local Piper. 2006


Azmi Bishara: The failure of Scientific Judgments in Consolidating Faith.2007


Azmi Bishara: To be an Arab in these Times.2009


Zakaria Mohammad: On Palestinian Culture. 2002


Talb Awad and Sameeh Shbeeb: The Internal Democracy of the Palestinian Political Parties. 2006


Daoud Talhami: The Left and the Socialist Alternative: A Reading in Past Experiences and Present Potentialies. 2008


Khaled Hroub and Juman Quneis: The Palestinian Media and the Split Between Fatah and Hamas 2011


Ala`a Azzeh and Toufic Haddad: Towards a New Internationalism Readings in Globalization, the Global Justice Movement and Palestinian Liberat


Basim Ezbidi: Palestinian Political Culture. 2003


Dalal Bajes: The Islamic Students Movement in Palestine: The Islamic Bloc as Model. 2012


Lena Jayyusi, Editor: A Reader in Media and Democracy . 2012


Faysal Darraj: Modernity in Retreat on Taha Hussein and Adonis. 2005


Raja Bahlul: Contemporary Islamic Views on Democracy. 2007


Laila farsakh: Palestinian Labour. 2010


Sharif Kanaana: Studies in Culture, Folklore, and Identity. 2011


Azmi Bishara: A Contribution to the Critique of Civil Society. 1996


Helga Baumgarten: from Liberation to the State: History of the Palestinian National Movement 1948 - 1988. 2006


Tafeeda Jarbawi and Khalil Nakhleh: Empowering Future Generations Palestinian Education under Oppressive Conditions. 2008


Nahda Shehada: Women, Judges, and Law: An Anthropological Study of the Shari'a Court of Gaza. 2009
