مازن قمصية: المقاومة الشعبية في فلسطين: تاريخ حافل بالأمل والانجاز. 2011
أوراق في النظام السياسي الفلسطيني وانتقال السلطة. 2013
نادية أبو زاهر: المجتمع المدني" بين الوصفي والمعياري تفكيك إشكالية المفهوم وفوضى المعاني. 2008
دلال باجس: الدبلوماسية العامة الفلسطينية بعد الإنتخابات التشريعية الثانية. 2011
Political Corruption: Revisiting the Concept
Neoliberalism and Inequality
Mountain Against the Sea: Essays on Palestinian Society and Culture (Second Edition)
Seven Decades since the Universal Declaration of human Rights: The History and Future of Human Rights and Palestine
The Complex Challenges Facing Palestinian Universities
Living Within and Without Legality
Democracy in the Public Square: Muwatin's 23rd Annual Conference
Higher Education in Palestine … Beyond the Figures!!!
Critical Reading in Contemporary Palestinian Economic Doctrine
Towards Bridge the Divide Palestinian on Both Sides of the Green Line. Proceeding of the Muwatin-Mada Workshop
Before and After Arafat: Political Transformation During the Second Intifada
The Palestinian Media and the Split Between Fatah and Hamas
State Formation in Palestine: Viability and Governance During a Social Transformation
Where Now For Palestine: The Demise of the Two-State Solution
Samer Irshaid: The PNA and Fatah: The Impact of Oslo and the Second Intifada. 2007
Nashaat Abdel Fattah: Elections and Opposition in Morocco: Democratic transition and the resistance of the authoritarian regime (1997-2007).
Nadia Abu Zahir: "Civil Society" Between the Descriptive and the Normative: Deconstructing a Conceptual Muddle. 2008